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For Business

When it comes to waste disposal, your business deserves a reliable service. At Environmental Waste Services we understand that your business needs are unique, that is why we offer a variety of waste containers and sizes.

Waste Containers

Your business is unique and your needs are complex and when it comes to waste disposal, your business deserves a dependable partner. That is why Environmental Waste Services is dedicated to taking care of your business waste and you can trust us for reliable dumpster service.

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If there is a large project that needs to be done or a warehouse that produces a large amount waste, a roll off dumpster could be the perfect fit! With a variety of  roll-off sizes and professional drivers, we can confidently offer a smooth and easy waste pick up and container drop-off! 



Looking to cut your waste costs? Environmental Waste Services can help you save money with a 40-yard receiver or a 15-35 yard self contained packer. Compactors are a great solution for larger businesses, by compressing dry waste they reduce the total volume of waste. This leads to fewer pick ups!


11620 Whitmore Lake Road

Whitmore Lake MI, 48189

Phone: (248) 977-5601

2021 © Copyright Environmental Waste Services. All Rights Reserved 

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